Systems are available for applications that require three pick-up points or 100 pick-up points, one operator or 10 at one time. Whether cleaning dusty spillage from rail car unloading stations, to cleaning high production food processing and chemical plants, these central systems provide high-efficiency filtration from handfuls to five tons of bulk materials per hour, reducing clean-up time, improving working conditions and plant safety for OSHA-compliance, maximizing on overall plant productivity and profitability.
Smaller industrial central vacuum systems feature “plug-n-play” installation and are equipped with UL-certified control packages and instrumentation. Specialized components are provided for abrasive and non-free flowing materials. Collection options include bulk bags, forkliftable hoppers and drums, or discharging back onto customer’s conveyor belts.
Vac-U-Max, Belleville, NJ 800-822-8629