Roto Dynamics is excited to be participating in this year’s “Hands-on Rotational Molding Workshop” held at the Pennsylvania College of Technology. This two day seminar is presented by Paul Nugent, Jerry Ramsey and PIRC staff. The event is sure to be packed full of useful theoretical and hands-on training exercises. Since 2000, the Penn State rotational molding center has been in existence and offering technical research assistance and hands on resources to the North American rotomolding community.
Partnering with the Association of Rotational molders (ARM) and Society of plastic engineers Rotational Molding Division (SPE RM), Penn State has been able to provide this valuable experience to Rotomolders nationwide.
Topics of the discussion include new product development, material selection, testing and analysis, custom compounding, process technology and workforce development. We will return with a review of the events at PIRC after May15th 2013.