How Dajcor Aluminum Solved an Ontario Manufacturer’s Problem with Bloated Inventories and Aluminum Extrusion Quality Issues

April 30, 2019 - "Press Releases"

Customer Problem
How to reduce bloated inventories and increase consistency of quality of their aluminum extrusions.
Key Customer Issues:
  • Inconsistent extrusion dimension and surface quality issues with previous aluminum extrusion supplier.
  • Extended lead times with previous extrusion supplier (8-10 weeks).
  • Inconsistent delivery performance from previous aluminum extrusion source.
  • Repeated problems with extrusion and anodizing subcontractors and missed deadlines.
Dajcor Aluminum Solution:
  • Dajcor conducted a comprehensive review of the entire aluminum extrusion profile package for the Ontario manufacturer, identifying critical profile dimensions, surface quality and fit and function requirements.
  • Dajcor committed to 2-3 week lead time on delivery of their satin clear anodized aluminum extrusion requirements, allowing the manufacturer to significantly reduce minimum inventory levels.
  • Dajcor Aluminum’s in house aluminum extrusion, fabrication and anodizing capabilities eliminated the manufacturers subcontracting headaches and allowed customer to deal with one source – Dajcor Aluminum – for their fabricated and anodized aluminum extrusion requirements.
  • Dajcor maintained excellent on time delivery performance to provide customer with high level of confidence in the supply of their aluminum extrusion requirements.
Customer Result:
The Ontario manufacturer (and satisfied Dajcor Aluminum customer) was able to reduce inventory levels by 70%, significantly reducing their aluminum extrusion inventory costs, while improving delivery performance to their large base of customers.
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